Working with us
At Thépenier Pharma & Cosmetics, we have a system of core values that integrate all our recruitment and managerial processes.
Team Spirit
We believe that the collective interest is not equal to the sum of individual interests.
Our teams transcend individual or partisan interests. They think first and foremost of the general interest and the success of the common corporate project.
We are convinced that collective intelligence is at least as essential as individual intelligence.
We believe that altruistic behaviours have their full place in a company. We can only succeed together.
We therefore guard ourselves, especially managers, against any appropriation of success or self-centred attitude.
Promoting Skills in Equality, Respect and Diversity
We believe that:
- Diversity is an opportunity and a permanent source of enrichment.
- Tolerance and respect are prerequisites for flourishing.
- Talent does not necessarily wait for the number of years, our employees, unlike the products we manufacture, don't have an expiry date.
- A stable and successful company relies as much on men as on women.
To put it simply, we recruit skills with no other concern than talent!
Professional equality index
Thépenier Pharma & Cosmetics has always been committed to equal pay for women and men. The company is convinced that female leadership is a real lever to ensure versatility, creativity, performance and fulfilment at work.
This index, put in place by the government since 2019, was designed as a simple and practical tool to advance equality between women and men within companies.
Out of 100 points, it is composed of 4 indicators made compulsory by law “for the freedom to choose one’s professional future”:
- The pay gap between women and men,
- The gap in the distribution of individual increases,
- The number of employees increased on their return from maternity leave,
- Parity between the 10 highest salaries.
What is the result of Thépenier Pharma & Cosmetics?
2024 index (2023 data): 87/100
Result by indicator:
- Pay gap: 37/40
- Individual increase rate gap: 35/35
- Employees who received a raise in the year following their return from maternity leave: 15/15
- Number of women among the 10 best paid employees: 0/10
We are in a process of continuous improvement in all areas and these results encourage us to continue our efforts to achieve our goal of 100/100, in order to make Thépenier Pharma & Cosmetics a company always more concerned with equality among its employees.
Entrepreneurial Spirit, Sense of Responsibility and Commitment
We believe that ideas and initiatives should be valued, regardless of your age, experience or position in the organisation chart.
Indeed, our DNA as a mid-size and human-sized company requires responsiveness and agility. We need our people to be proactive, engaged, to work with an entrepreneurial mind set at all times.
As a matter of fact, if you join us, you will be able to give your opinion and share your proposals, which your management will be able to listen to and, often, approve as they are or with a few adjustments. At the same time, we will expect you to know when to request the approval of your management, that is when a decision exceeds your assignment.
It is precisely because we mean to recognize the role of the employees in the creation of added value that we designed a profit-sharing agreement according to which up to 20% of current profit before tax can be paid to the employees.
Caring and the Room for error
We believe that caring is a value that is always relevant.
Creativity and innovation, which we need, thrive in a context of kindness and solidarity with one another.
Recognising the right to make mistakes contributes to individual commitment and personal initiative. And these are key values for the management.

Our offers
There is no job offer at the time, feel free to send us a spontaneous application.