CSR policy

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Corporate Social Responsibility at Thepenier Pharma and Cosmetics

At Thépenier Pharma & Cosmetics, we believe that implementing a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policy goes far beyond a simple duty. We are deeply convinced that a company is much more than an economic player subject only to the imperatives of profitability.

For a number of years now, we have been taking action to promote ethics, social well-being, well-being at work and environmental protection. For example, since 2012, gender equality has been one of our concerns. In fact, we have launched a gender equality plan. We were also awarded the Silver EcoVadis medal in 2022, in recognition of our performance in terms of Corporate Social Responsibility. This distinction places us in the top 25% of most responsible companies, across all sectors and all countries. We have implemented an action plan to improve our performance in each of these categories, with the aim of winning the gold medal in 2024.

Aware of the positive impact of this commitment on the sustainability of our company, we have built our CSR policy strategy around the following values:

Well-being and equity

We continually strive to improve our employees’ quality of life at work. To achieve this, we implement a rigorous skills and employability management process. We also have an equal opportunities policy and a work-life balance policy.


We are committed to protecting the environment and biodiversity. We monitor the environmental impact of our activities and the life cycle of the products we develop. For more information, visit our dedicated environment section.

A Team Spirit

We value fairness, individual commitment in the general interest, intergenerational solidarity and cohesion between the different parts of the company. At TP&C, we believe in giving responsibility and consideration to employees, whatever their age, sex or position in the organisation chart. We encourage a balance between private and professional life. We favour a systematic approach based on humility and the deployment of a participative and benevolent management style.

At Thépenier Pharma & Cosmetics, we attach great importance to environmental responsibility and the preservation of biodiversity. We carefully monitor the environmental impact of our activities and are committed to integrating sustainability throughout the life cycle of our products.

In our formulations, we attach great importance to the careful selection of the raw materials we use. We favour responsible purchasing, mainly from sources in France and Europe. As a result, our products are developed using ‘made in France’ or ‘made in Japan’ formulas, which are always environmentally friendly and often of natural origin. What’s more, most of our products are, or can be, COSMOS certified.